Trick or treat!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ok, in case you haven't noticed, my mom changed my blog around just a little bit (snickers). In the process she inadvertantly deleted ALL my Doggone Good Blogs and my Awards! She spent half the night last night re-doing my Doggone Good Blogs from memory. If we've forgotten anyone PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know! Also, the awards... She's going to TRY to get them all back on today because they mean soooooo much to us but in case she can't research who gave them to us, please don't be shy, let us know. I don't think I'm going to let her mess around with my blog again... It is her job to type my posts for me cause I'm all paws. Do you like the new look? My mom says it hurts her eyes but I like it cause it SCREAMS "This is a DOG's blog!"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Office Visitors
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This is ME to a Tee!
Ben the Rotti posted his horrorscope so I thought I would go check out mine at K9 Horoscopes. Here it is:
LEO (My barkday is August 13th)
In his own eyes, the Leo K9, must be top dog in his own pack. He likes to be seen as a leader. He is not aggressive but assertive, he enjoys the mantle of protector, guardian and walking burglar alarm. If you can strike a happy medium where Leo dog does as he's told but still feels important then you will have an enviable dog-person relationship. Rather than adoration, Leo dog loves to be respected. He appreciates his role within the family unit and hopes that you appreciate him too. He often has a very high opinion of himself and can cause quite a fuss if he feels he is being ignored. Never give in to a young Leo dog. He will look on you as a push over he if you succumb to his every whim. Make him earn your respect by showing him he is an appreciated and much loved part of the family but what you say around the house - goes!
Everybody knows I am the King of my dawg house. Though this horrorscope is spot-on, I don't know about the never giving in stuff! Go see yours!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
She's Movin' On Up to the East Side...
to a de-luxe "estate"...
Yes, Chip the chicken has turned her beak up at middle-class life and is now rubbing wings with the upper crust chickens of Southampton. When Bunny died a while back my mom started worrying about how Chip would handle being the sole chicken in our family, especially with winter on the near horizon. Though her little coop was warmed with a heat lamp, winters can be very harsh for a chicken alone. 
So this morning my mom loaded Chip into the Mini and brought her to the beautiful estate of one of my mom's favorite people.
My mom has never actually met the owner but he loves animals and treats them like royalty so that's good enough for her! Mom knows the caretaker and they've been talking about Chip moving in for the last couple of months. 
Chip was greeted with the clucks of about 20 or so chickens of all different shapes, sizes and colors.
She moved right on in and never looked back! Though we're all going to miss Chip, we're so happy that she's got so many new friends to hang out with! 
Enjoy being a pampered chicken Chip!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Max the Airedale
Judy told my mom a story she heard today about an Airedale Terrier named Max from Coventry, Rhode Island. Max and his human, Bill, got into a car accident in Connecticut about 45 miles away from their home. Max ran into the woods and no one was able to find him but he managed to find his own way home after 3 weeks! It's an amazing story that illustrates the intelligence of dawgs as a whole and airedales in particular! Because I have so many airedale friends, I just had to share this "aire" story with everyone. Enjoy :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Say It Isn't So!
The next day my human sister Jessie came and took the kittens to our Town animal shelter (no-kill). They said we have to catch the mother but my mom has tried and tried and tried. These kittens were about 4 weeks old so we're very hopeful that they will be adopted and have very good lives. If you live near us and would like a kitten, they're fat and cute!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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