Today with a heavy, broken heart we had to say goodbye to our Ziggy. When thinking of one word to describe how I feel about Ziggy the word
beloved seems to encapsulate it all. Such a strong word meaning dearly loved, adored, cherished, favorite, darling, treasured, much-loved, dear. Ziggy was our treasure. Before Ziggy I had tried more than once to adopt a dog but didn't find the right fit. I became convinced I was solely a cat person. I always had cats - mostly strays that found me - Fighter, Hershel, Mittens, Gregory, Lucy, Eleanor,
Ceasar, Libby, Tommy, Stinky, Gracie,
XiuXiu, Cowboy, Boots, Molly, Elvis, Patsy,
Pricilla and Natty. I firmly believed there were two categories of people - cat people and dog people and never the twain shall meet. I was a cat person. After our house was robbed in 2000 the police officer who helped us suggested we get a dog. He said a dog is better than any security system. The next week I heard of a litter of puppies looking for homes. My husband knew the owner of the dogs so we went to see the two that were left. George brought out Ziggy to me. I held him and, though he was cute, I was not sure I really wanted a dog. I asked to see the other puppy. Startled at the request, George told me they were "exactly" the same. If there is one thing I know - no two living things are exactly the same. So George brought out Smokey to me. Smokey looked at me and pushed away. He did not choose me and later that week went to live with my husband's brother and his wife where he has had a wonderful happy life. So we brought Ziggy home. He smelled like puppy urine and even though I didn't want to traumatize him on his first night with us, he got his first bath. We put him in his crate and went to bed. He cried like a baby and I ended up sleeping on the floor next to him all that night. That was it. I was in love. The next night he slept in our bed - something I said I would never do. We became his world and he ours. More surprising was the reaction of the cats - Tommy and Libby. After Ziggy calmed down from his
puppyhood they accepted and loved him like I thought could never happen. Later on even the stray cats could be seen rubbing up against Ziggy. Pedro of course would have only been happier if he could literally have been joined to Ziggy's hip. Ziggy never met a person he didn't like. Black, white, brown, tall, short, young or old, he'd like you. That's not to say he wasn't protective of his family but if we were
ok, he was
ok. Cancer is such an
insidious disease for animal and human alike. It came on so fast with Ziggy that we didn't have time to catch our breath before it was all over. The feeling of helplessness is overwhelming. There was nothing we or the doctors could do to help him so we did the last kind thing were able to and helped Ziggy to the Bridge today. Our hearts are broken and will not soon mend. There is a hole in our lives and in our house that will never be filled. We wish Ziggy snowy days and happy trails. We will carry him in our hearts always. Ziggy, you are now and always will be our beloved...