I received my 1st contribution for the coffee table from Australia, the land down under and the birth place of
Dogs With Blogs, from
Suzuki, Tahlia and Scooby! This was a very exciting package for me because not only did it travel a record distance, 11,698 miles or 18,823 kilometers, but it was HEAVY!

Inside the box was an awesome card from Suzuki. I think Suzuki is one cool dawg! She is a world famous writer using the pen name Bark Kent.

She has a really good lookin' brother, Scooby who helps single dawgs connect on Scooby's Singles Saturdays, and her sister Tahlia is my cousin
Rambo's girlfriend!

The most impressive thing Suzuki does though, and this is what brought me to her blog originally when I saw her picture in a contest, is BOOGIE BOARD!

HOW RADICAL IS THAT??? She is just awesome! Suzuki included a letter that gave the history of the area where the rocks she sent were found.

In addition she emailed me some absolutely beautiful pictures of the Waroona Lions Club Drakesbrook Weir Community Park where they went rock hunting.

No dawgs are allowed in this park but, since Suzuki is a rule breaker, she and her sibs snuck in! Drakesbrook Weir is an irrigation dam which collects the overflow from the Waroona Dam in a town called Waroona which is south of Perth. In winter it is full of water. The whole ground is mud. These cracks are caused from the mud drying out.

Looks like somebody forgot their kayak last winter! That's what the humans get for not putting away their toys! The cracks vary in depth from about 1 inch to 6 inches.

I'd be in trouble if I stepped into one of those 6 inch cracks since my little legs aren't much longer than that! Suzuki wasn't sure what kind of rocks these are but she said they were the "prettiest" she could find and I think they're very handsome rocks indeed!

My mom says they remind her of petrified wood. Does anybody out there know what kind of rocks these are? Suzuki thinks they could possibly be sedimentary rocks called chert. I know that kind of rock can be found in the Grand Canyon too and my mom said she'd bring me home some when she goes there in a few weeks. Suzuki also found the shell in the park. I would never have expected to find a shell there.

I'm a spoiled rotten dawg! Look at all the treats and toys that box was stuffed with! No wonder it was so heavy. In the box was a stuffed zebra (my favorite), a squeekie hamburger (Ziggy's favorite), dawg tags, two cool rope bones (I'll kill them later), and chocolate treats that are safe for dawgs to eat! All the rocks were individually wrapped in bubble wrap so they could make the long journey to my house safely.
The first thing I had to do was rough up the zebra! Man that's a fun toy! Turn your volume down when you watch this video because my mom and Jessie were cracking up and the TV was LOUD!
Libby is a funny cat. She thought the box was her present and she LOVED it! I didn't want to tell her that, ahem, she probably needed a shoe horn or some grease to squeeze into it!
Now the Aussie rocks and shell have a home in my table. We'll probably spread them out but for now they're taking up the whole upper righthand corner! Thank you Suzuki, Scoobie, Tahlia and your humans for sending us such an incredible package all the way from Australia! We'll leave you now with one more picture of the beautiful landscape from Drakesbrook Weir Community Park.
hey Pedro, your table is looking very good now with all of those cool rocks, shells, and tooth! hee hee! that was a huge box full of toys and treats. you did a great job on the zebra. you were looking like a wild beast. good job.
So, have woo khompleted the de-tailing of the zebra?
What khool rokhks and what grrrrreat pressies too!
What nice doggies the Aussies are, huh?? And what great pressies they sent. You're lucky!
You are looking so tuff trying to kill that zebra stuffie.
Great post cousin.
Hi ya Pedro!! I am sitting here with my jaw on the floor-I did not know you possessed such zebra killing skills! Dude, any time you wanna come on down and help me with some groundhogs, you are more than welcome. We would have a blast together!!
What a cool load of goodies along with the Aussie rocks. Mom sighed lookin' at the pictures, it's someplace she would love to go see. Your table is really rockin' now. You got really great friends all over this world. (Neither Mom or I knew Australia was where Dogs w/Blogs started. We're a little slow sometimes.) That Suzuki boogie-in' is way cool!! We all oughta jump a plane and let her teach us!!
Woofs and striped slobbers,
Hi, Pedro!
Suzuki and their family sent you beautiful rocks and pawesome presents!
I can see how much you like that zebra!
Kisses and hugs
Look at that table filling up - we are having trouble finding anything good to add. Suzuki did a wonderful job. And that zebra sure is a big hit. We especially enjoyed listening to Mom's giggling.
Tail wags, the OP pack
Hi Pedro,
Those certainly are terrific Aussie rocks. And very cool of them to send you all some presents. Wish mom had thought of that. Oh well... enjoy that Zebra!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Pedro!
My Mummy's "metric conversion" skills suck. I figured out the depth of the cracks fur you... They ranged from about 1 inch (at the top end) to about 5/6 inches in some spots. She is hopeless. I'm glad you liked the presents. As soon as Mummy posted the box she remembered Libby! Silly Mummy. She said she is glad Libby liked the box though BOL. The shell came from the same place. Mummy said she could take a guess that they were sedimentary Chert rocks but she couldn't be sure without researching more. I'm glad the Beagles didn't steal your treats :)
Big licks to you
Hi Pedro!
Suzuki and family sent you pawsome rocks and pressies!
Happy Mother´s Day to your mom!
Hey lil Bro,
That package sure was great. Those treats were soooo yummy and the toys were really fun. Now that we have some nice weather to play in lets go tear htem up in teh yard!
Those are great aussie rocks, and you sure were going at that zebra's butt!
Libby did a good job settling into that box, and a bath in a box, nothing can beat that!!
Your coffee table be looking so great now!
More pretty rocks! Your coffee table sure looks better with more rocks coming.
Pee ess: I have an award for you.
Hi Pedro! That was fun to see you playing with your zebra! What a great toy - and such great rocks and things from Australia! Your coffee table keeps getting more interesting. Suzuki, Scooby, and Tahlia are nice friends.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Suzuki sounds like an awesome friend. Now I have to visit his blog as well to find out more about him. Any animal that boogie boards has to be cool! :)
Those were VERY cool looking rocks! Wow, and all those toys and treats too. I liked those pictures of where she got the rocks. I had no idea she could boogie board. I will let you know as soon as I know if my belly has a hernia or I am just fat. My mum's internet doctor reseaching has her scared cuz it said if it is larger then a dime, sore, or painful that is serious..so she is all freakin out. I am fine as long as they don't stick nothin up my bum....
Woah, Pedro that is one stuffed box of toys! Good job on killing that Zebra :)
The table is looking great!
S and D
Very cool looking place! Nice rocks, too.
Wowie kazowie! All those rocks and treats all the way from Oz! I would send you stones from Brighton beach but can you believe this...? It is Not Allowed! Anyone caught taking pebbles from the beach Will Be Prosecuted! What's that all about!?! It's not like they're comfy to walk or sit on... Duhr! :) xxx
A man after my own heart. You really know how to shake that zebra.
It's amazing the vawied places that you'we getting youw wocks fwom..it's so special to get those stowies and pictoowes to go wif them. You showed that zebwa who's boss fow suwe..That was a vewy supew dopew box of fun
smoochie kisses
My mom is loving your collection of rocks Pedro.
Suzuki, Tahlia and Scooby pick good rocks and gave you nice presents too.
Tsk! tsk!
I heard that you jumped out from the backpack and scared your hoomans? I want to hear your side of the story! Did the urge to leave a peemail prompted you jumping out? Did you spot a bunny?
Anyway, I jumped out of the Home Depot cart once that banned me go shopping with my mom.
PS: We made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we?
I think your table design is nearing completion Pedro... our mom loves how it is looking now and is totally envious!
Suzuki and her sibs are real cool to send over that awesome package!
Okay Pedro. We are heading up north. Send us your address at our mommy's email: cassiejo@juno.com
When we get to farr N.Idaho we'll get some rocks off to ya!
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie
ps-for some reason we weren't on your followers list.Did we 4get to do that or did we fall off?!
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