Well, his rocks are in the coffee table any way...
Dre lives in Northern Idaho (2620 miles from my house), very, very close to my friends
Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie. Recently those three dawgs got together for a romp in the park. It looks like Hootie is set to really romp right onto Dre but don't worry, no dawg got hurt!

If you havent visited
Dr. Dre's blog yet you really need to because he is HA-LARIOUS! My mom cracks up every time she reads his blog. She thinks Dre and I look alot alike - I'm just missing the mohawk!

My mom's niece's husband Daniel has a mohawk too.

So I decided to go get myself a mohawk. What do you think? Are Dre, Daniel and I triplets or what?

Dr. Dre found some awesome rocks for me at Lake Pend Oreille and he was nice enough to write the facts on the back of the big rock so I'd never forget where it came from.

That sure is one beautiful lake but it looks cold!!! Jessie and Leah brought me into our pool a couple of times in the past week and even 80 degree water is too cold for me! Come on mom, open the wallet and buy some oil so we can heat up the pool!

These rocks are as unique as my homeslice Dre himself!

Look, they even have some bling in them. How on earth did these rocks get those square holes? It's a mystery to me...

Thanks Dre for sending me such great rocks and thanks for making us laugh with your funny, funny, funny blog!