My mom has been suffering from something called insomnia, which evidently is a human-specific ailment since none of us 4-leggers have any trouble sleeping at all. The other night my mom slept for a total of 1 1/2 hours. She made it until all of 7:30 PM the next night before conking out. Too bad it didn't last all night though. She said she's got alot on her mind, worrying about Natty. I thought I'd share some pictures to show her how it (sleep) is done. Humans can learn alot from us dawgs and cats about successful sleeping.

Natty suggests cuddling up next to a furry friend for the best possible sleep. I've got that one covered for Mom since I'm always sleeping right next to her!
Sweet dreams!
You are an excellent sleeper Pedro! We hope your mom can get some sleep tonight. It is hard for people be cause they are always worried about something. We dogs live in the moment.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Woo are more than welkhomed to share my sleeping pikhs -
Perhaps that will help inspire her -
All this napping talk:Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
PeeEssWoo: Please give her a snuggle or two from me!
All you have to do is snuggle up close to mom and soothe her to sleep. We are sure she has lots on her mind. Hugs to her from all of us.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sure I hope that insomnia goes away from your mom! It is not funny not being able to sleep!
I liked a lot your sleepy pictures!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We hope Natty is doing better and Mom can get some sleep!
We hope your mum gets over her bout of insomnia soon. If we don't get our 23 hours a day, we get awfully grouchy, bol!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
The insomnia can make humans go cracker dog so I hope your mom gets over it soon. Sometimes my momma listens to a meditations CD at bedtime. She says it makes her mentals be quiet.
That is tooooo bad about your Mom, Pedro. I hope she learns how to sleep now...seeing the pictures of you and all.
You know..they say that humans that don't sleep can be grumpy, so maybe you better give her some silly water. That usually makes G-Mom fall asleep.....he he.
Hi Pedro. Hope your mom get rid of that thing called insomnia soon! Those are great tips!
You were a great sleeper from the start, Pedro. How is your mom doing?
Those are some terrific sleeping pictures. I hope your mom is worrying less about Natty. How is he doing?
hey Pedro, we like seeing those pictures of you all cozy and sleepy! we wish that your mom would be able to sleep as good as you. we know she misses Ziggy. we still have the christmas card that you sent to us with you and Ziggy on it. we are sorry that your mom is sad. please give her a poodle hug for us, okay?
Ah, fancy being not able to sleep all us dogs can. John used to be like that and go night after night not sleeping. Now he is not so bad I think he is so old he forgets what he should be worrying about.
He says he hope's your mum manages to get over it and get some good sleep it is awfull.
If you get a story tape and lie listening it helps, well it helps him.
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