I've seen a couple other blogs post pictures of blooper pictures taken while trying to get that perfect Christmas Card photo and I got a good laugh out of it so I thought I'd post some of mine.
The biggest problem my mom seems to have is avoiding "green eye". The photo editing programs she has only take out "red eye". She tried that on the green but it doesn't help. It was also tough to get me and Ziggy to look at the camera.
You know, that flashy thing hurts my eyes! Maybe that's why they glow green! I was getting so confused too because after a couple of pictures my mom told us we were good boys so I thought that meant I should run over to her for some pets.
Well, no. Evidently that meant I was supposed to sit still for more torture cause when I tried to get some
lovin' she yelled at me.
Look how guilty Ziggy looks in some of the pictures (
hehehe, when mom yelled at me he thought he was the one in trouble). We did manage to get a decent shot for our card though. We'll post that picture soon. Here's a parting picture of Libby - she wanted in on the action.
She's a big camera hog posing perfectly for mom! Geesh!