I've always liked playing with balls but I used to just hit them around myself and chase them. It's hard for me to pick up balls like this tennis ball because they're too big for me.

Jessie and Leah taught me how to play fetch last weekend with the balls that
Pearl gave me. These balls are just my size so I am able to pick them up and bring them back. Who knew that's what "fetch" is? I really like that game.
Oh that first picture is adorable!!! He is so cute. I wish my chihuahuas played more. Tuffy will play with little stuffed animals.
Patrick LOVES fetch with mini tennis balls. Jackson likes to fetch stuffies instead.
I buy the smaller version of the tennis balls.
You and Sissy look just alike, only she is a little fatty.
Fetching is fun. Sissy is the only one of my dogs that will do that.
If Sissy looks like me then she looks like Rambo too!
Hi, Pedro!
sure is nice that you got balls that fit in your mouth so now you can fetch and have lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
You look like you are having so much fun. Guess what? I love playing with tennis balls too! Ok, well, my tennis balls are really balls for cats, and they are smaller. But my mom throws them across the room and I run really really fast after them. It is fun. My mom is trying to teach me to fetch them and bring them back to her, but I am a cat! What is she thinking? Isn't it enough that I can run really really fast after them?
we may have another cousin called Sissy? I would like to check her out, wouldn't you? She must be really cute if she looks like us!
he he he
Oh.. it's nice to find toys your size. :)
I can't find a tennis ball my size to fetch yet.
~ Girl girl
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