It was 2:00 AM this morning, but they got home. The little Mini had some issues starting on the way there. The Anti Lock Braking system warning light came on. Of course this was June 1st and the 3 year warranty ran out on May 31st. My mom sounded pretty upset on the phone. So they drove on carefully to Morgantown, WV. When they got back in the car later the light was off and didn't come on again until they were on their way home last night. This time the Tire Pressure warning light came on too. So they stopped at
Sheetz and put air in the tires. All the lights went off. Ten minutes later all the lights came on again. They stopped at another gas station and checked the tires again. The back passenger rear tire was flat. Granted, these are run-flat tires but they were still over 2 hours from home and it was 11:30 at night. Great. Mom put more air in the tire but could hear it flying out. So, they limped back on the highway, never going over 45 mph. Their last hope was the final service station on the New Jersey Turnpike. The garage was open but they didn't have a run-flat tire. The guy said he could find the leak and plug it. My mom was always told this couldn't be done on that kind of tire but desperate times call for desparate measures so she said PLEASE go ahead. $20 plus a $5 tip later they were back on the road. They rolled in to home about 2:oo AM and I was soooooooooo happy to see them! They were both very relieved to be home in one piece too. This morning the tire was still holding pressure but it's time for a new one. No more trips in the Mini. Hey, no more trips at all!!! (At least not without me).
That mini looks like just the right size for you, Pedro! You must go along next time, of course, after the mini is fixed!
Oh no! I'm glad they made it back in one piece. Cars can be so frustrating!
Hi, Pedro!
Glad they are back and safe after all those events with the car!
Kisses and hugs
that's scary. I'm glad your Mom and Leah are home safely. Next time you have to go and protect them!
Oh glad that they are back. I hope they'll bring you along for the next trip
~ Girl girl
HAHA JB, I was thinking the same thing when I saw the piture of the Mini!
Although I don't think Pedro would have enjoyed all the tension and worry that Mom & Leah had to deal with!
Glad you both got home in one pc!
Hey, Pedro! This doesn't have anything to do with your post, but Mom wants you to tell Jill's mom that she met a man last night who has a Great Dane with Addison's. He says she was diagnosed when she was about 8 months old and she is now 9 YEARS OLD. He says she takes the monthly shot and Prednisone pills and does great.
BTW, we're glad everything turned out okay with the mini and they made it home okay.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
goodness! glad you got home safe!!!
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