Here of some of my unspectacular quirks:
1. I don't think anything about ME is unspectacular (hmmm, is that conceited?)
2. I like to lick human noses and the crook of human arms (salty)
3. I get very nervous in the car and have to ride on the driver's lap and look out the window
4. I have bald spots
5. I feel the need to mark just about everything
6. I don't like kids, at all, ever, no how, no way, hasta la vista bambinos
I was tagged by my very favorite cousin Rambo to do this meme. I think I am the last dawg left to do this tag but if you haven't done it yet please consider yourself tagged!
You have some silly quirks. Callie licks mom's arm pits we still haven't figured that one out... Guess she likes Secret...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
"Clean Up Your Act!"
You also love to eat lettuce little Pedro.
Love you, miss you too,
Big Sister Jessie
Hi, Pedro!
Those are quirks!
I don't like kids either! But if I see them just go away to another room!
Kisses and hugs
Same here, I do not like those bambinos! They pick you up, hurt your tummy then they drop you!
How did you have those bald spot? It doesn't look bad, hair will grow back in no time!
Hey there Pedro, interesting quirks :) I can't stand kids either.
Cute upside down picture of you! I don't like kids either.
I like to lick my mums underarms too, especially when she is napping on the couch...She doesn't like it much. Thanks for going and voting. I know it must have been difficult, fenway park and all...
Hi Cousin,
Me too! I don't like kids at all. But you already knew that, right? I hate them touching me and chasing me, and the noise they make! Oiiii vay! Are you getting a new-turd anytime soon?
Hello fellow chihuahua.
I like kids for about 5mins.
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